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The Act Challenge is a national 90-day virtual event to raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking.


Participants walk, run, bike, swim, or paddle as they compete in monthly challenges.  


The Act Challenge is free to join and open to all ages and abilities. Participants can join individually or as a team.

Human trafficking is the second-largest criminal industry in the world.

Over 800,000 people trafficked against their will across international borders each year. For those who escape, many are left with the scarring aftermath of trauma and addiction from being treated like a commodity.​

Worthwhile is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to reaching lives affected by human trafficking and restoring these survivors with a sense of belonging and worth. Worthwhile which provides safe housing, outreach services, and restorative programming for survivors of human trafficking. ​When people first discover the story behind Worthwhile their initial reaction is to ACT. This is where the name The Act Challenge came from and we invite you to join us in taking ACTion.​ For every mile you log in the Act Challenge, you help raise awareness about human trafficking.

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New This Year: 3 Community Challenges




At the Art Museum steps in Philly

Mark Gibson, an ultra runner and Worthwhile supporter, is going to kick off the Act Challenge and run 27.6 miles up and down the Philadelphia Art Museum stairs!   


He's chosen to run this distance to represent the 27.6 million enslaved in labor trafficking across the world.


You can participate in this kick-off event and run alongside Mark for any duration or distance.​​  Choose your starting time slot by signing up below.

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